We congratulate Aram Pachyan who is the new 2021 laureate, for Armenia, of the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) for his book P/F published by Edge Publishing (Yerevan, cover opposite).
The EUPL jury for Armenia stated: "The novel P/F leads the reader into the inner world of a city dweller who is struggling to accept the way his hometown has changed since his childhood. The changes are symbolic of his personal growth and the fast pace of our life. The novel is rich with Buddhist references and stunning sketches of relationships between a father and son, a couple in love and, most importantly, the author and the city."
While waiting to read this novel in English, should you speak French, we invite those of to read Aram Pachyan's latest French translation (made possible thanks to the support of the V. Krikorian de Hyestart translation grant): Au revoir, Piaf published by Editions Parenthèses: https://www.editionsparentheses.com/Au-revoir-Piaf. The book is also available in English under the title Good-by, Bird: https://glagoslav.com/shop/goodbye-bird/
Our next translation will be published before the end of the year by Belleville éditions (Paris). We will have more information about it soon.
Congratulations to the other PLUE winners as well!
More information about the Prize and the winners: https://www.euprizeliterature.eu/winning-authors-2021
More information about the Hyestart Translation Grant: https://www.hyestart.org/v-krikorian-fund
Contact: contact@hyestart.org