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Fact-finding and observation missions

Going out into the field to observe and meet with the various stakeholders to establish facts

Since its inception, Hyestart has made a point of going into the field in order to get a feel for reality for itself. In June 2021, the President of Hyestart, Alain Navarra, was one of the last people to go to Nagorno-Karabakh before Azerbaijan decided to turn it into a besieged open-air prison by the end of the year 2022. This video tells the story of that investigation and solidarity visit to a people who were then more vulnerable than ever.  This was before the 10 months of inhumane and illegal blockade. Before the ethnic cleansing of the fall of 2023. 


In 2016, a few weeks before the coup attempt, Hyestart traveled to Turkey for the last time to attend the 10th "Freedom of expression gathering" organized since 1997 by the "Initiative for freedom of expression" association.


Hyestart travels regularly to Armenia to meet its partners, forge new partnerships or to support initiatives. For example, Hyestart supported the relaunch of the Armenian branch of PEN International.  


Twice, in 2017 and 2018, Hyestart traveled to Armenia to participate in election observation missions organized by the Armenian branch of the NGO Transparency International in order to both observe and support the democratic process. in Armenia. 

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